Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mississippi & Ohio Rivers

Just one of the many barges we saw on the river.

Now is the time to put on some miles. There aren't any marinas for 250 miles so that means we anchor someplace along the way.
Tuesday morning we left at 6:35 and it was cold & windy. We are both back to putting on 5 layers. Bob tried driving from the pilot house but the glare on the window was so bad he couldn't see so we had to go back to the flybridge. We made good time going downriver and no locks to go through today. The only thing we had to watch for was the many barges on the river. We made 110 miles to an anchorage called Little River Diversion Canal. This was only the 2nd time we had used the anchor but it went pretty good. It is pitch dark at 5:00 now so we had to make sure we were set by that time.

very quiet & peaceful

Wednesday, November 5th we left at 6:40 and it was cold again. We didn't see a barge or anything for the first 2 hours. We finally got off the Mississippi River and are now on the Ohio River- going upstream. At least it was a little warmer going in a different direction. There are alot more barges though on this part of the river. We had 2 locks to go through and they are the oldest ones on the whole system of locks. They have been building a new one for about 10 years and plan to have it done in about 3 more years and this will replace the 2 old ones. Now we had to have life jackets on and both bow and stern lines tied to the wall. We were only raised 4' and 12' but it takes along time. These locks see the most tonnage go through of all the locks in the U.S. and during the summer a pleasure boat can wait 12 hours or longer to get through. We were lucky, we didn't have to wait at either one of them. We found anchorage after navigating 105 miles today just before dark by Towhead Island. We could see the barges all night waiting to get through a lock just up river from us.

All in all, we had a good day, Bob said he was only scolded once for leaving a big wake and our anchor held all night!!

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