Di, Ivar, Bob and I left Chicago Sunday morning Oct. 26th at 7:15. It was cold and windy going the 12 miles across Lake Michigan. We entered the Cal Sag Channel, which joined the Little Calumet River and then the Chicago Sanitary & Shipping Canal. This took us to the Illinois River. The area is very industrial. We saw a few barges but not many pleasure boats.
We had to go through 2 locks today and the 2nd one was the windiest one we had been in so far on the trip. The locks are much bigger now, 600' x 110', for the small ones. The wind was at least 35+ miles per hour and we went down about 40'. Things in the air were blowing around and Ivar lost his cap. He had to hurry down to the back of the boat to pick it up out of the water. We were the only one in both locks which was nice so we could tie up where we wanted.
Di and Ivar are dressed in all the heavy clothes they brought with them. It takes all of us to go through these locks and to watch the boat, line, fenders and the wall.
The bridge Bob has been dreading from day one was cleared today with plenty of room. Bob drove and Ivar stood in the back watching to make sure we had enough clearance. This was one more weight off his mind.
Joliet, Ill. was our destination tonight. We travelled about 50 miles today.
When we looked at a map it was as if we hadn't left Chicago! We were still in the area!! We tied up to a wall downtown and across the river was Harrahs casino. Supper tonight was at the casino!
This was our attire for the week. It sure cuts down on the amount of time needed to decide what to wear!!! We put on as many layers as we could fit under and over jackets.
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